
Odalys Jasmine

Episode 51: Building a Personal Brand Begins with Owning your Story 

Meet Odalys Jasmine, a Latina creator, podcaster, and storyteller who believes authenticity is the key component of a successful personal brand. Odalys is a first-gen Latina from South East San Diego, who grew up surrounded by her loving family. Although she was one of the two people in her family who didn’t have to worry about her immigration status, she lived first-hand the challenges that a piece of paper can bring to an individual. She describes herself as a “brand nerd” and she strongly advocates that authenticity is key for a successful personal brand, and she shared her advice regarding how to build our personal brand. 

Odalys is a creator of experiences and spaces where the first-gen community can find support and inspiration. She is the host of Hella Latin@ podcast, a platform for first-gen latinx and/or immigrants to share their life story. 

You can learn more about Odalys Jasmine here: https://www.odalysjasmine.com/ 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/odalysjasmine/ 
