
Carlos Torres

Episode 57: Celebrating Cultures is Key to Leading Diverse Groups and Having Business Success

Meet Carlos Torres, a Venezuelan engineer and entrepreneur who turned a lay-off into an opportunity to start his own business and spend more time with his family. 

Carlos has a wealth of experience in the oil and gas industry, working with Schlumberger, Gulfstream Services and Royal Oaks Energy Services in various regions around the world. 

He is also the chapter chair of SPE GCS, the Society of Petroleum Engineers Gulf Coast Section, where he leads a diverse team of volunteers. 

Carlos reveals his insights and tips on how to succeed as a leader and an entrepreneur in the oil and gas industry. 

Whether you want to learn more about SPE GCS, one of the largest and most active sections of SPE International, or you want to be inspired by Carlos’s stories and achievements, don’t miss this episode!

More information about SPE: 



Irina Faneite

Episode 41: Español- Trabajando en ti

Conoce a Irina Faneite, psicóloga venezolana, de sus proyectos, emprendimientos migratorios y de cómo se ha reinventado creando su marca personal: "Trabaja en ti".

Irina fue nacida y criada en la ciudad de Coro, en Venezuela. Ella nos compartió su historia de cómo emprendió el camino para lograr su meta de estudiar y ejercer la psicóloga clínica, y de cómo la vida se encargó de presentarle un sin número de obstáculos, los cuales atravesó para alcanzar su sueño. Estas experiencias ayudaron a Irina a reinventarse, a establecer su marca personal y a lograr establecer una compañía multinacional en el extranjero, donde ejerce como consultor organizacional con especialidad en salud ocupacional. Irina nos habla de los retos y de los sacrificios a los que tuvo que exponerse, y de cómo logró cumplir sus metas en el extranjero. 

Gran parte del reto que Irina tuvo que enfrentar fue el duelo migratorio. Irina nos explica lo que es el duelo migratorio, y de cómo sobrellevarlo para que no sea un factor limitante en el desarrollo de tu potencial máximo y de lo importante que es la terapia para el bienestar psicológico y la salud en general.

Irina tiene un podcast llamado "Pasa y siéntate" donde toca diversos temas de salud mental, sin pelos en la lengua, y tiene una gran presencia en las diversas redes sociales.

Sigue a Irina en sus redes y en su Podcast:

Podcast (YouTube): 




Francisco Ramos

Episode 35: How a Career in Finance Enabled the Rise of a Comedian

Meet Francisco Ramos, a comedian, and actor whose previous career in finance allowed him to upend his life and pursue his dream of becoming a comedian. Francisco grew up in Venezuela, and moved to the U.S. with his family when he was 12. He learned English by himself, and always yearned to belong to his new environment. 

He graduated with a double degree in Finance and International Business from the University of Maryland, and after a couple of years, he realized that was not the path he wanted to follow in life.  After some introspection, he discovered doing comedy was his passion, and decided to “go for it”. 

Francisco talks about how his career in finance enabled him to pursue his dreams and speaks candidly about what it takes to become a comedian. 

Check out Francisco’s Comedy:

Watch Gentefied: 

Follow Fransisco on social media:




Dr. Jeniree Flores

Episode 13: Meet the Team! Part #3

In this special episode you will learn about the story of our host, Dr. Jeniree Flores Delgado, her ups and downs, and what motivated her to start this podcast. Join us as she narrates the tips and tricks that have helped her turn her dreams into reality. 

Some of the opportunities mentioned in this episode:


Dr. Patricia Varela

Episode 12: Meet the Team! Part #2

This is another one of those special episodes in which you get to meet the people who have supported the launching of this podcast. Dr. Patricia Varela is a resilient engineer who refused to let her professional career be dictated by the political situation of her beloved Venezuela...and she is here to tell you: Si se puede my friends, Si SE PUEDE! Paty, as we call her, talks about the journey that brought her to the United States, the challenges she has faced as a woman in a STEM field, and how creating meaningful relationships has helped her turn her dreams into reality. 

